Education Support project

Aim of IREC

Project Aim

Education support program is a hallmark program of IREC that is geared towards creating an independent and self-sustaining generation of individuals

Given the sensitivity and seriousness of this program, we take this to the next level by closely monitoring the performance of the students that are benefited by this program. 

IREC has also developed programs for adults and children that include building and outfitting schools, conducting literacy classes and training educators. The education program seeks to empower communities to become independent and develop resources to support current and future generations.

This new generation of students will create an educated second generation, free from constraints of poverty and illiteracy. As the population grows, it becomes stronger through knowledge, independence, and leadership.

Primary Education

At present, developing India has millions of children who are not enrolled in school. Many thousands more may never have an opportunity to attend. In all cases, education is vital, to break the cycle of poverty and create opportunities for children and their families.
Education support program is a hallmark program of IREC that is geared towards creating an independent and self-sustaining generation of individuals. The focus of this program is to help the gifted children of poor and destitute families in achieving their dream of higher education. The results have been very encouraging year after year and we are able to see these students progress and move towards success.

Given the sensitivity and seriousness of this program, we take this to the next level by closely monitoring the performance of the students that are benefited by this program. To keep the students motivated and on track, grades are monitored on a regular basis. Counseling is provided to students to keep them on the path to success.

Secondary Education

Education is the most critical tool needed to break the vicious cycle of poverty. Better education creates opportunities for a brighter future. Education changes the outlook of humans to give them a broader perspective of life. Educated individuals are an asset to the society, community and the world at large.
Secondary education support program aims at building strong foundations and provide a platform to the individuals to break free from poverty and realize their dreams of a self-sufficient and dignified life. The program is targeted towards orphans and families who are unable to support the basic education of their children. But the ultimate goal of this program is to create youth that can dream big and change their dreams to reality.

Children from financially challenged families are not able to afford the cost of education. They often take up odd jobs to support the families and are ultimately deprived of basic education. These children are encouraged to attend school without having to worry about their fees. IREC pays the annual fees for these students while maintaining a requirement to excel in their class. At the same time financial support is provided to the families to compensate for the odd jobs that were providing the families livelihood. Support is given to students from Kindergarten to 12 th grade. We also provide books and school dress in situations where the family is unable to afford them.

In addition, girls that do not attend schools due to family restrictions or any other situations are being helped to get their secondary education. Special centers are set up for women and girls only that focus on the board subjects of seventh and tenth grade.

Considering the current socio-economic conditions and the rising cost of education, it has become imperative that we put our best resources towards this cause.

Higher Education

Higher education support program is the pinnacle of IREC support programs. This program is aimed at providing freedom from the cycle of poverty to hardworking students from financially challenged family backgrounds. These well deserving students always struggle to achieve the ultimate goal of acquiring professional and non- professional college degrees. This level of education opens new horizons and gives them a platform to venture into the job market.
The primary beneficiaries of this program are high performing students from our feeder programs like primary and secondary education support. Also considered are students referred by the colleges for academic excellence and students who directly apply to this program and meet our eligibility criteria.

Thorough scrutiny of grades and continuous monitoring of performance guarantees checks and balances for the beneficiaries. Merit basis of scholarship also encourages students to work hard and succeed in college.

Fees are always paid directly to the institutions to ensure the best utilization of funds. Currently IREC has students enrolled in Degree programs like Medicine, Engineering, Pharmacy and other major technical subjects.

Your support for this program will open the doors of success to these well deserved students who are enthusiastic to go out and make a difference in the world.

After School Education Support

After school education support program is geared towards students who need additional help with challenging subjects. The primary goal of this program is to help the students who are struggling at school. The focus is to help students achieve success in 10 th and 12 th grade board examinations.
IREC has established multiple coaching centers across different localities. Boys and girls from different schools benefit from these coaching centers. Subjects like English, Math and life sciences are taught at these centers. We have hired qualified teachers who are experts in their respective subjects to help the students overcome their difficulty in different subjects. Each center runs for four hours in the evenings, Monday through Friday. The students are given practice exams prior to board examinations.

This program is completely free of cost to all the students who are motivated to improve their skills and excel in the examinations.

In addition to this IREC supports schools by hiring and paying salaries to teachers. In return the schools provide free education to an agreed number of students. The dual benefit of this program is that we are able to provide employment to skilled teachers while getting free education for the students.